
i want to...

i want to laugh with you when you laugh
i want to have fun with you when you have fun
i want to grieve with you when you're grieving
when you're sad... i want to cry with you

that's what a friend is, right?

am i wrong?

*i didnt write this btw*
-credits go to HANA KIMI: epi 10- hehehe :P

what's ur definition of a friend?


Moon Mason

THIS KID IS SO SO CUTE!!! :) his eyes are so BIG!!! 8)

Agiwa Na

aka BABY & ME

this movie was so CUTE!! *yes i said cute..* :)

its a must, for sure, definitely have to watch kind of movie!! [its a movie, not a drama]


the guy that plays the high school student: jang geun-seok - GOOD LOOKIN! ;P

the super super adorable baby: moon mason - this kid is so so so so CUTE!! [aunty anna still loves u jayden! no worries!]

and here's a still from the movie! :)


OH MY!! it's WINTER!!


it's my winter break ..... A WHOLE MONTH!! yay!!

so far, nothing exciting or new. just me being me. and everybody being everybody!!

not sure what i should write about, so here are some random facts from my old notes taken last semester in psychology class -- interesting stuff for the most part ... would have been more interesting if i had paid attention tho.. hahaha!!

Tredecaohobia: fear of number 13
Dromophobia: fear of crossing the street
Eosophobia: fear of dawn
Hydrophobia: fear of water
Xenophobia: fear of strangers

pretty crazy eh? i wonder what's the name for fear of strawberry/red flavored things??? i dont know why, but i just cant eat ice cream or yogurt that is red, or blue, or purple ...



i just realized i never explained why the title of this blog is "HUH? WHAT? EH?".

for those who know me a little too well, there's no need to explain. hehe. ya'll know that i know that ya'll know :P

and for those who dont know me as well, i get confused rather easily or get way ahead of myself... so for future reference, please help the slow and old me by thoroughly explaining things. :)

oh yea.. im also partially deaf when i want to be. and a really good spy when i have to be.. weird how that works huh?? haha!!! it comes and go... i just cant help it ya know? :P

hmmm.. anything else? there's something i guess.. but how should i put it??

GUYS ARE SO CONFUSING!!! and they say we're the confusing ones??? oh no!! i dont think so... guys are .... *uuhhh!!* im so tired of this. they better explain. and explain NOW!

--- and so that's that. i shall rant later.

night night.


no specific title

so here i am. writing in my blog. while jogging on the treadmill. on a friday night. this is so much fun.

so.... let's see...what shall i write about??

PLACES i wanna go to:

- OKLAHOMA to see my boo boo :)

- HAWAII to get my tan on :P

- and SNOWBOARDING whenever and wherever!!!

- VIETNAM and JAPAN and KOREA for some change in scenery!!!

and the list shall continue...


sleep-deprived for just a lil bit longer :\

it's ear-late and i wanna go to bed!
but procrastination has its hold on me....
and i just cant sleep until it's finished!!! :(

on the up side of things: ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF OF SCHOOL LEFT!! :P

But what should i do over winter?? i'll have so much free time that i think i'll go crazy... there's nothing to look forward to or anticipate anymore ... oh how the wheels have turned ...



Jenny Nguyen (my new baby cousin!!)

Justin Ho (A. Khanh & C. Trinh's Baby BOY!)

They're just so ADORABLE that i wanna bite their cheeks!!! YUM!! :P